Saturday, March 15, 2008

Snow Caves!

Scout Troop 181 had a very successful snow cave campout/campin. We arrived on site at 5pm and by 5:15 young men and leaders alike were digging, chipping, and hauling snow. We learned some lessons about snow caves:

            1. You get very wet when you dig snow caves, especially if you don't wear snow pants.
            2. Pasta tastes great after 2 1/2 hours of digging.
            3. Scouts like fire, especially if you don't wear snow pants.
            4. With team work you can create a really cool snow cave (see video)

            Clearly, a great activity and a lot fun to dig, sleep, play games, eat. Thanks to our great host!

            Food Canning

            We had a great time canning with our joint activity. Ended up with around 550 cans of food. Plus we got to eat in full food prep garb. Not a bad idea for Scouts.